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ACTive E Themes


The ACTive E programme uses four themes to structure learning. Teaching models such as TGfU and Sports Education are used to deliver learning towards these four themes. Click on the images to be taken  a passworded setion detailing the sequence.  Please just contact me to receive your password.

Increasing Participation

Engaging the Community

In "Engaging the Community" students explore the benefits that can be enjoyed by an activity provider by providing an activity or event in the community. They will also identify the benefits to the community that events/activities can provide. Students should recognise the wide range of activities that are available and also begin to understand the relationship between sport and commercial groups and companies.

In preparing for an event students will need to consider issues of safety, engagement and organisation.


Improving Performance
Using Local Resources

In "using local resources" students will identify the facilities in their local community that are available to them. They will explore activities that these environments provide, the groups that benefits from these facilities. They can also begin to identify the barriers preventing people from accessing these facilities eg. Safety, cost etc.

Students can strive to raise awareness of activities offered, issues associated with or ideas for the use of local venues. This topic of work might include dialogue with local sports trusts, church groups, other schools, parent groups and businesses. 


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